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MIT's Soft Robotic Grippers handle Cables with unprecedented dexterity
Soft Robotic Gripper
Kirigami-based multifunctional gripper with ultradelicacy, ultrastrength, and ultraprecision
MIT creates a flexible robot that can 'grow' like a plant
3/3/2022: memory of Thanh shooting me with silly string found on this day a few years ago
IKEA Chair Assembly Puts Robot Dexterity to the Test ("Blooper Reel")
Soft Robotic Gripper - Russian nesting doll pick and place grasping
Toyota Designed Robot Hands Made from Soft Bubble Grippers | Strictly Robots
Tethered Tool Manipulation Planning with Cable Maneuvering
NUS Design - Creating Advanced Soft Robotic Grippers Without Expensive Materials
Automated Extraction of Dexterous, Within-Hand Manipulation Primitives for Adaptive Hands
Soft Touch Sensors for Soft Robotic Grippers